The Batesville School District is committed to putting Students First. One of the ways we do this is by using the Science of Reading — how the brain learns to read — to inform our Literacy teaching practices. Here you will find information about the Science of Reading, R.I.S.E. Arkansas, Literacy programs, research, and resources.

  • Pioneers RISE
  • Quarterly Curriculum
  • RISE Newsletters
  • Meet our Literacy Specialist
    My name is Mollie Hill and I am the Literacy Specialist for the Batesville School District and I am dedicated to providing Literacy support to teachers. I am a former preschool and elementary classroom teacher, a K-2 R.I.S.E. trainer, a 3-6 R.I.S.E. trainer, a word-nerd, and mom to two amazing kids.

    What do I do?

    • Collaborate with administrative staff to ensure fidelity of ELA instruction across campuses
    • Coordinate Reading Professional Development for BSD
    • Present professional development, train, and work with BSD staff on reading instruction and all the components of reading.
    • Complete coaching cycles with teachers regarding reading instruction and the 5 major components — Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Comprehension.
    • Complete walk-throughs in classrooms to observe reading instruction.
    • Assist in reviewing and analyzing state and local reading assessment data to formulate improvement plans and work with PLCs at each campus.
    • Assist in reviewing, aligning, and analyzing ELA curriculum.
  • Mollie Hill 2023
    Mollie Hill, MSE

    Literacy Specialist
    E | mhill@gobsd1.org
    W | 870.793.6831 X 1014

          R.I.S.E. Arkansas

          • R.I.S.E. Arkansas
            R.I.S.E (Reading Initiative for Student Excellence) Arkansas encourages a culture of reading by coordinating a statewide reading campaign with community partners, parents, and teachers to establish the importance of reading in homes, schools, and communities. This initiative is facilitated through the Arkansas Department of Education.

            The goals of R.I.S.E. are as follows:

            1. Sharpen the focus and strengthen instruction.
            2. Create community collaboration.
            3. Build a culture of reading!

            Because of R.I.S.E., the focus on reading progression for your child has shifted from determining your child’s reading level to determining what skills they need to read with fluency and comprehension.


          K-8 Curriculum