Covid Guidelines 24-25

        • With guidance from the Arkansas Dept of Ed and Dept of Health, our current Covid quarantine guidelines are as follows:
          • You do not have to report cases to me unless they are having severe symptoms or have been hospitalized. After testing positive you may return to normal activities after they have been fever free, no diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hrs without medication and symptoms are getting better overall. If symptoms and/or fever return you need to revert back to 24 hr symptom free without medication before returning. Be mindful you could still be carrying on the virus so taking precautions to help decrease the spread should be taken. For example: keep your distance, do not share food/drinks, wash frequently, wear a mask if indicated. 
        • Close Contacts
          • We are not quarantining close contact. However, if you start experiencing symptoms, we ask you to please stay home and test. Please follow the 24 hr rule of being symptom free without medicine before returning to school. 
        • Contact information
          • If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at my direct line (870) 569-1115.

      Safety Plan Per Campus

      • Crystal Bullard
        Nursing Coordinator/District COVID Point of Contact/Preschool Nurse
        E | cbullard@gobsd1.org
        P | 870.793.0630 X 1901
        C | 870.834.9634