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Kam Meharg Class of 2036

What campus does your student attend? 

Sulphur Rock

Who is your students' favorite teacher?

  • Mindy Henley 

How did we put your student first?
Sulphur Rock Elementary has put my student first by making all aspects of learning relevant and engaging!

What opportunities did we provide your student with that they couldn't have taken advantage of anywhere else?
My kindergarten student has gotten to enjoy countless learning experiences with one being the 100th Day of School and going to First Community Bank with 100 pennies and getting to exchange it for $1. It’s a great math experience!

Why should others consider BSD as their "Destination District"?
Consider the quality of education they will be receiving as well as the love and care from staff and teachers. 

What extracurricular does your student take advantage of at BSD?

My kindergarten student has got to shine with his love of sports by being involved in Cross Country and Intramural Basketball. 

Success ~ What's something you accomplished at BSD you are proud of?
He has accomplished reaching certain math and literacy goals in kindergarten! He’s learning to write out words and complete sentences. He was awarded a Math Superstar!