Clara Nikkel
Brad and Amanda Nikkel
College & Future Plan
Attend the University of Arkansas as a Bodenhamer Fellow, planning to study chemistry and then to graduate school to study pharmacology or medicinal chemistry and pursue a career in pharmaceutical research.
Top 3 Accomplishments
National Merit Scholar
Coolidge Scholarship Finalist
Arkansas Academic All Star

Luke Beeser
Heather and Sandy Beeser
College Plan
Attend Lyon College but currently unsure of a major

Brianna Nava
Natanael and Nallely Nava
College & Future Plan
Arkansas State University at Jonesboro, planning to double major in Finance and Computer Science
Top 3 Accomplishments
Gates Scholar and member of The Gates Scholarship Class of 2024
Runner-Up in Optimum’s Hispanic Heritage Month Essay Contest
Recipient of the Arkansas Governor's Distinguished Scholarship